Every institute should evolve its digital strategy by understanding which direction the technology investments should take, based on current and future trends. Nowadays, amidst increasing ICT-related investments in an overgrowing competitive school setting, the deployment, maintenance, and particularly the effective use of ICT, is a complex multifaceted managerial task, involving several stakeholder groups. Part of SCMC Private Limited, Pune headquartered Insiqa Technologies has been delivering their use case specific products and services like LilyMints and eZCom, to a wide spectrum of customers. Insiqa has also been operating from a newly established Gurgaon office. Over a period of 15 years, SCMC Private Limited, has offered a wide range of software products for the fastest growing USD 100 Billion industries like Education, Logistics and Healthcare. In partnership with schools and education community, Insiqa has developed, deployed and supported innovative mobile and cloud-based solutions for educational institutions.
From Nursery to Secondary
Schools are established to impart knowledge and create responsible and skilled citizens out of the young minds. Given the tsunami of digital transformation that has swept through every vertical, schools require to ride the wave and leverage it to better perform in their mission. However, divided attention can be risky for the institute's mission to nurture knowledge. Insiqa has identified these primary hiccups for educational institutes and presents them with solutions and services at an affordable price. Often products and solutions aimed to resolve and eliminate the institutes' mundane tasks through automation, face operational issues which obviously are beyond the
management's skill-set to resolve. Insiqa Technologies pays equal attention to after-sales services thereby completely hand holding the school for as long as the partnership exists. This accounts for the company's x-factor that enables Insiqa to stand out in the crowd of solution providers in the market.
" Insiqa has developed, deployed and supported innovative mobile and cloud-based solutions for educational institutions"
While developments in technology have made it easier for students to engage with learning resources, significant issues of access and equity persist. Insiqa as an education enabler believes that no school should be deprived of digital transformation, irrespective of its size. Making their actions speak, Insiqa technologies introduces LilyMints. This product is designed for small scale institutes like kindergarten and pre-nursery, that have short funds but a zeal to go digital for equal educational benefits. It is a specially crafted product for the little ones with configurable web based application. The model offers features like mobile payment integration staff check-in & check-out, Live viewing and video streaming, 2-way messaging between teachers and parents, accounts & ledger management, plug n play system, child activity board, online admission and praise-o-meter. As LilyMints serves like a bridge between the teachers and parents, the product has been welcomed by both the communities with warm positive feedbacks.
Further contributing towards learning, Insiqa Technologies established an Entrepreneur Incubation Center, to train and nurture young enthusiasts interested to enter the world of entrepreneurship. Insiqa has acquired a plethora of customers through their business associates and channel partners in regions from Doda and Bilawar in J&K to Siliguri in West Bengal. In a very short span of 3 months, since the launch of LilyMints, Insiqa has acquired schools including Foundation School, Morals Pre School, Tweeties Day Care, Tulips Academy, Petals Preschool, Blossoms Preschool, and Kidonest Pre School to name a few. Given the exceptional work Insiqa Technologies has been doing, it is a matter of time before the organization emerges as the country's premier education technology enabler.