The current time is witnessing a maze of digital and IT options that continues to grow in the world. The pace of growth is engulfing the time, cost and invaluable skills of the employees, especially in small and medium-sized organizations. The delegation of responsibilities and other functionalities of IT service and infrastructure to a third party (Managed Service)has emerged as a separate space of opportunity in these scenarios. Delhi headquartered IT infrastructure managed service provider, AKP Consultants takes over IT infrastructure related pain points allowing organizations to focus on their own core expertise.
Integrated System Management and CoreCompetencies
The transformation of IT infrastructures optimizes organizations' infrastructure consumption and reduces the Total Cost of Ownership. AKP's Integrated System Management offers to build and manage a highly available and reliable IT infrastructure that meets dynamic business needs. AKP as an organization focuses on their seven major core competencies that are: Server and Storage Management: AKP's Server Management service is designed to address an enterprise's entire server platform requisites ranging from design, deployment and migration to optimization. This is to ensure better server utilization rates, improved system availability and increased performance.
Private Cloud and Virtualization Solutions: AKP builds,configures, manages, and optimizes clients' private cloud, virtualization and physical infrastructure. In addition to these, Server hosting facility under IBM, Azure and Amazon Cloud platforms are also offered. The Managed Service Contracts cover server setup, management, maintenance, monitoring, security and recovery services. Additionally, Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity Planning are also proffered.
Managed Network and Security Services:The company offers"˜Managed Security Services' that monitors and manages security investment and provides intuitive reporting and support.
Network& Information Security Audits also provides complete reports about the gap and disconnect in IT infrastructures to customers.
Messaging and Collaboration: In this segment, the company helps customers by providing Architect and Design Messaging solutions for all messaging and email security solutions. AKP builds, operates and provides professional services on email and on collaboration platforms like MS 365, Google G-suit, Microsoft Exchange, and SharePoint.
AKP standardizes
the Optimized
Cloud Computing
and Security
technologies to
maintain secure
and highly available
cloud Infrastructure
Desktop Management: It provides support to end user clients by managing their workstations and by integrating or upgrading to the newer operating environment with committed SLA based Ticketing Helpdesk.
Systems and Servers:The company supports latest and proven industry technologies for all brands like Microsoft, HP, DELL and IBM. The company deploys most of the Microsoft technologies for on premises and Cloud.
Networking and Securities:AKP Standardizes the Optimized Cloud Computing and Security technologies to maintain secure and highly available cloud Infrastructure. The company has collaborated with the likes of CISCO, Juniper, Fortinet, Netgear and DELL in this front.
Growing its extent beyond IT managed services; AKP is positioning itself in the market with a committed SLA based services. The company, with its remarkable maneuver of walking closely with the client organization to help them achieve their business goals, is significant, vying for the heights of the market. And this certainly will be propelled with its commitment to provide multiple solutions to various businesses of any size for their IT infrastructure.