Deven Joshi, Director-Sales APAC
For a fact, the greatest majority of systems integrators are not original equipment manufacturers. This majority does not design or manufacture infrastructure equipments in its own right, but are dealers for original equipment manufacturers or their authorized distributors. The dilemma here arises when the System Integrators have to do tremendous amount of investment from scratch in order to maintain on their own or else go back to OEM. Going back would only mean a 360degree turn and series of speed breakers for their end customers. Solving problems like this and several other bottlenecks for System Integrators, Derby headquartered Solid Systems Global is a worldwide provider of multi-vendor enterprise equipment services that cover the complete lifecycle of install-based technology support.
From Clients to SI to End Customers
Ever since its inception in 1989,Solid Systems has been assisting System Integrators with remote management, onsite management and spare planning and spare deliveries as and when required. "We are a specialized organization focussed on extending the life of the customers' existing infrastructure while making them free to choose their SI for end customers. In turn, making system integrators free to identify their end customers and outsource to us", explains Deven Joshi, Director-Sales APAC, Solid Systems Global.
Solid Systems has built a vast number of systems, so much so,that their Ticket handling process is online and every single ticket's root cause analysis is available to clients.
With that, clients are also empowered to create their own proposals in Solid Systems' tools. From customer reporting systems to automated supply chain system, everything is available for customers at their own convenience. Moreover, Solid Systems' Regional Response Centres
offer complete 24x7x365 coverage, including onsite technical support to expedite issue diagnosis. The organization's skilled engineer training alongside their parts, stocking for 4 hours onsite availability, ensure Solid System's omnipresence.
The organization's
skilled engineer
training alongside
their parts, stocking
for 4 hours on-site
availability, ensure
Solid System's
A Global Cause
In the 20th Century, the information and communication revolution has brought enormous changes in the way we organize our lives, our economies, industries and institution. The same has also given birth to 50 million metric tons of eWaste annually; with 33 million metric tons of reusable parts and equipments. One country's surplus electronic waste can become another country's road to development and urbanization. Therefore, taking this notion into account, when Solid Systems offer their expertise, via infrastructure management remotely, and onsite, the company extends their hardware infra lives further beyond through hardware buyback. Solid Systems facilitates the customers to donate the used hardware for the technologically under developed countries in order to introduce the infrastructure for development and digitalization. Solid System's supply chain is evaluated and designed in a manner so as to contribute and facilitate the clients while collaborating with other partners and government bodies at the same time to educate the respective nations' youth on technology. Instead of directly providing and funding, Solid Systems works on the growth from the ground up. Through skill development, the company builds infrastructure in the client nations leveraging the newly skilled talents, thus making a complete development cycle through infrastructure.
With a global vision to help nations digitally grow together,Solid Systems Global has a promising footprint worldwide at 110+ countries to confirm a revolutionary change in infrastructure management.