IbTrack Solutions - Serving Every Logistics Checkpoint through Diverse RFID Technology Platforms

IbTrack Solutions - Serving Every Logistics Checkpoint through Diverse RFID Technology Platforms

CIO Vendor The advantage of having a complete ubiquitous computing network over the traditional iden¬tification systems, is riding the wave of RFID technology adoption across industries. Evident¬ly, logistics shows the brightest future for RFID technology. Headquartered in Bengaluru, ibTrack So¬lutions Private Limited is one of the key providers in RFID systems development space. The company ren¬ders business solutions integrating RFID, IP surveillance and access control technologies. In the Logistics sector, ibTrack is uniquely positioned as an emerging leader "“ providing complete solutions including data analytics, and legacy migration of data. The solutions have been appreciated by a number of corporate companies as well as government organizations. More so, ibTrack has implemented a unique project involving multiple agencies in the corporate as well as govern¬ment sectors called "RFID enabled trailer and contain¬er movement tracking and paperless documentation" in Chennai. Being fully operational, it is run on a SaaS model and designed to ease business workflow for ex¬porters and importers in Chennai.

Real Time Benefits of RFID and IP Surveillance
Visibility may be by way of assets, or control on logistics with zero gap in supply chain. Whatever the case be, businesses look forward to RFID tech to gain the visibility. They further want to use the data coming out to strengthen the business. By combining its experience in solution implementation with expertise in legacy integration and data analytics, ibTrack couples multi sensor data with analytics to provide a business enriching experience for the client. This combination of RFID and IP surveillance technology has brought advanced capabilities in visual tracking.
In the Chennai project undertaking, ibTrack has integrated passive RFID with IP Surveillance, Access Mentoring, traffic light signaling and paperless Governance in one solution across multiple checkpoints inside Chennai Port "“ Port Gates, Customs "“ export and import, and terminal entry and exit. This is a single solution which monitors nearly 3500 trailers carrying 4000 plus container daily "“ the analytics helps stakeholders in planning vehicle movement, analyzing traffic density, and flexibility in manpower. Incidentally, this is one of the very busy ports in India. In this venture, ibTrack was also requested to build a paperless documentation system. Post this addition; all documents like Form 13, shipping bill, harbour permit for drivers and trailers to be carried by the trailer driver - started getting uploaded into ibTrack's application. At every checkpoint, relevant dashboards were triggered digitally "“ thus avoiding paper entry and time delay.

ibTrack couples multi sensor data with analytics to provide a business enriching experience for the client

"Our solutions are reliable with better quality of entire system and the superior customer service. The differentiating factor which sets us apart from our competitors is the creativity in providing solutions and innovating it to benefit the client without loading the cost", explains Sudhendra Dankanikote, Director, ibTrack.

ibTrack has positioned itself to be a market leader offering RFID and IoT integrated solutions that boost business growth and profits in the Logistics, Retail and Warehousing sectors. Perceiving underlying opportunities in wearables technology, the organization has plans to venture into this sprouting domain to provide benefit of real time analytics, thereby enabling informed business decisions making.