PeepalDesign: Redefining the UX Design Practice

CIO Vendor Products and Services will be successful only if they satisfy the user's needs. So how is that you'd know and understand what the users need? User research is the key here. Organizations indeed speak highly of the importance of user research in the process of designing any product, though only few actually invest in user research in terms of time, capital and manpower. This is probably why few products succeed while others fail. Equally important is the ability of user research to create a shared understanding about the target users and how they engage with the product or service, among all stakeholders within an organization. Rightfully living these principles is Bangalore based PeepalDesign.

Providing an insight into the challenges of the market, the CXO of PeepalDesign, Aurobinda Pradhan says, "The biggest challenge faced by IT vendors is that they have to take stakeholder's opinions of the user needs and technical specification as the input. Usually the focus is on good looking templates and tick marks on the feature list and rarely the end user needs, goals and motivations." What sets PeepalDesign apart is their approach which is driven by strong focus on user insights, collaborative UX decisions driven by business, technology and design. It is this methodology that establishes them as the market leaders in design research practice.

PeepalDesign offers an exhaustive array of services in the user research domain with usability testing, field research, UX audits, eye tracking, benchmarking and international user research as well. PeepalDesign is the Indian partner of UXalliance, a network of top UX agencies across 27 countries. As part of this community, they share global best practices and user insights with other members.
They also offer experience design services that helps clients in building user centric solutions that meets the goal of an global user base.
PeepalDesign refrains from providing stock template based design solutions. At any point of the day the consultants here will be found working in their labs (e60labs) or in the field, interacting with real end users, inferring their goals and motivations by observing them interact with technology and each other while at work or play.

PeepalDesign recognizes that UX is a strategic imperative for many organizations and they support such organizations by establishing user centric practices as an integral part of product development. PeepalDesign believes that delivering great User Experiences is everyone's business and their foray into UX training, International UX certification for project managers and RapidUX toolkit for practitioners go towards enabling everyone in the ecosystem.

PeepalDesign offers an exhaustive array of services in the user research domain with usability testing, field research, UX audits, eye tracking, benchmarking and international user research as well

Envisioning the future of this industry the CEO, Durgaprasad Vemula sees the shift towards more naturalistic interactions accelerating with increasing adoption of technologies such as AI powered assistants, Virtual/Augmented Reality, and IoT. The ideal of the "Best Interface is No Interface" is no longer in the realm of science fiction and is very much realizable in our own lifetimes.