
Daljit Singh Sodhi, Associate Director-IT at KPMG India

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My experience with Virtualization technology is quite interesting and we have started our journey of virtualization in way behind 2008 when very few organizations were showing interest in such technology.

Worked on almost all the leading virtualization technology partners and have different experience with all. It is better to do proper internal assessment before choosing any technology and go for the right solution only. I chose different technology as per need of the organization.

Even I have experience to run most critical application on virtual environment even in some organization we were running our core application on virtual platform.

Virtualization is a vastly important topic to Information Technology. Virtualization is a technology that has the capability to splitting the resources among any operating system. Virtualization is not limited to compute resources only. Now a day’s storage virtualization & Network Virtualization are very common.

These latest technologies support resiliency, redundancy & High Availability to support business. Low maintenance with no downtime even in most of the cases since everything is in cluster. Cluster can be in multiple sites as well so that business can continue to work even in any kind disaster. Only need to plan & implement it properly as per the organization strategy and allocated budget etc.

One can build in house private cloud using these technologies and take service or build public cloud as well. There are many public cloud service providers available in the market and one can take their services as per their need & budget. Even many management tools are available these days though which we can manage both public & private cloud.

Startups are preferred to host their applications on public cloud considering no upfront cost (Investment).

There are several types of virtualization including Hardware Virtu­alization, Emula­tion, Full virtualiza­tion, Paravirtualization, Kernel-based Virtual Machine (KVM), and Operating system-level virtualization. Vir­tualization supports many beneficial principles such as effective resources utilization, workload separation and division, isolation, encapsulation, services availability and reliability, and efficient power saving. This will help in Infra foot print reduction as well of data center along with other benefits. Eventually it will help to reduce overall IT cost both CAPEX & OPEX.

Hyper Converge Infra is even developing on virtual technology. Multiple OEMs available in market and most of large setup using these latest technology. Key benefits to use such latest technologies:

• Simplicity

• Build for Virtualization

• Ease to Manage

• No need to invest upfront

• Highly Scalable

• Seamless movement from public to private cloud & vice versa

• Lower TCO

• One click Management

So at the end of topic I can only say that this is right time to adopt these technologies if not done yet and get best out of this.