Healthcare CIO ViewPoint - Executive Digital Solutions - CIO Healthcare Business Outlook
Sumit Singh, CIO, Wockhardt Hospitals Limited

Leveraging Technology to Provide Superior Healthcare Facilities

Sumit Singh, CIO, Wockhardt Hospitals Limited
Niranjan K Ramakrishnan, CIO (IT), Sir Ganga Ram Hospital

Cognizance of Privacy in Indian Healthcare

Niranjan K Ramakrishnan, CIO (IT), Sir Ganga Ram Hospital
Prabhaker Yasa, VP-Information Technology Group, JDA Software

Enterprise Social Innovation

Prabhaker Yasa, VP-Information Technology Group, JDA Software
Howard M. Landa, CMIO, Alameda Health System

Changing Paradigm of Electronic Health Records

Howard M. Landa, CMIO, Alameda Health System
Ashok Jade, CIO, Shalimar Paints

Impact of IT on Next Generation Paint Technologies

Ashok Jade, CIO, Shalimar Paints
Craig Richardville, SVP & CIO, Carolinas Healthcare System

Improving Healthcare with Data Analysis and Predictive Modeling

Craig Richardville, SVP & CIO, Carolinas Healthcare System
Vamsi Boppana, Site Director and CTO, Xilinx

The future is Smarter and All Programmable

Vamsi Boppana, Site Director and CTO, Xilinx
Ajit Manocha, Associate Vice President and CIO, Syngene International Ltd

Technological Orientation is Re-shaping the Pharmaceutical Research Sector

Ajit Manocha, Associate Vice President and CIO, Syngene International Ltd

CIO Viewpoint

Gen AI: Transforming Cloud Solutions for...

By Matt Yanchyshyn, VP - AWS Marketplace & Partner Services, AWS

Upcoming Technological Advancements in Payments...

By Pinak Chakraborty, CIO of Airtel Payments Bank

Shaping the Future of AI: Talent, Innovation,...

By Yann LeCun, Chief AI Scientist at Meta

CXO Insights

The Impact of Digital Transformation on Healthcare

By Arvind Sivaramakrishnan, CIO, Karkinos Healthcare

Doctor Engagement and Retention Strategies for...

By Anubhav Sukhwani, Vice President, CK Birla Hospitals

The Impact of Cutting-Edge Innovations in...

By Mohana chandran, Head IT, Maharashtra, Apollo Hospitals
