| | December 20188CIOReviewDEVELOPING THE MODERN AGE DATA CENTER FOR DIGITAL TRANSFORMATIONBy Rajender Singh Bhandari, Director Technology and Solutions Group, NetApp Indianformation is everywhere. From a 3-year-old learn-ing the alphabet on a tablet, to a 20-year-old YouTuber webcasting live sessions in 4K, to a high functioning power grid transmit-ting statistics to headquarters. IDC predicts that more than 100 ZB data will be produced by 2020. Data defines the success of today's busi-nesses and its growth at an unprec-edented rate. With huge data, comes the responsibility of a well-managed data centre ­ a need felt by every CIO today. Which is why, CIOs in the Asia-Pacific and India are invest-ing a lot of money in data manage-ment technology and solutions to improve business performance and maintain a competitive edge in the global economy.When we think about a modern IT infrastructure, every CIO or cus-tomer today is constantly looking at how they can push the boundaries to go to the next level. They are willing to innovate and try the next genera-tion technologies that are coming in. Technologies that will help today's CIOs to manage current workloads as well as prepare for the futureMany Indian CIOs are exploring op-tions to make their data centre more efficient and agile; ready to scale seamlessly or cope in real time with the increases in business capabilities. Options such as migrating to flash storage and cloud-based architec-tures as part of their tech refresh cy-cles. They are also looking at cloud architectures to see how they can move from in-house, on-premise ar-chitectures to the cloud. The rise of cloudThe cloud has changed the way or-ganisations look at their architec-ture. Enterprises have begun to rec-ognise that not all data is going to be stored on-premise, and there is need for the right data management infra-structure to help customers manage I IN MY OPINIONRajender Singh Bhandari and his team are responsible for architectural and technology relationships as well as NetApp platform evangelism across the ecosystem in the region.
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