| |NOVEMBER 20229Hyperautomation facilitates organizations to improve customer experience by reducing the friction in user self-service applications and streamlining broken onboarding processesterprises achieve operational excellence by reducing the handover time between agents, departments, partners, and subsidiaries via robotic process automation (RPA), rule automation, and exception and escalation manage-ment. Furthermore, it also ensures continuous innova-tion across all business aspects with insights, analytics, and rapid evolution capability. How can organizations successfully leverage hyperau-tomation capabilities? What should be the right ap-proach?Organizations must contemplate an enterprise-wide approach for successfully leveraging hyperautomation. They must take an approach that entails integrating pro-cess automation, content services, and communication tools with modern technologies such as AI and ML, low code, and analytics. They need to move their workloads to cloud-based infrastructure for better accessibility, on-demand scalability, and easier management. This comprehensive approach will empower organizations to deliver a portfolio of applications with a consistent user interface, ensure rapid application development and deployment, and generate deep insights for finding product value fit. Investing in a modern unified platform equipped with these technologies will help organizations empower users at multiple levels and harness hyperauto-mation by running numerous digital initiatives simulta-neously. What are the solutions offered by Newgen that help organizations leverage hyperautomation and fast-track their digital transformation journey?Newgen, with its low code and cloud-based platform, NewgenONE is well-positioned to serve the emerging hyperautomation needs of organizations. We offer all the key components of hyperautomation in a unified, comprehensive platform--portal and application devel-opment tools, workflow and process automation engine, integrated content management services at scale, vast integration catalog, open APIs, and intelligent docu-ment processing and statistical AI/ML modeling capa-bilities. Furthermore, we continue to enable hundreds of top-tier global organizations, serving mission-critical, content-centric, and customer-engagement functions. Our enterprise-grade scalability, certified security, and regulatory compliance, coupled with our flexibility to go the extra mile, help our customers transform their com-plex business processes. The single-point governance, UI/UX consistency, and manageability of our platform greatly simplify IT administration while providing or-ganizations an edge in responding to dynamic business needs.
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