| |April 20189CIOReviewbigger audience and at the same time helps in managing the pool of ap-plicants. This also helps in sorting of applications with defined key words, helps in tracking and analysing appli-cant data. The more we customise the system as per our needs, the better quality of candidates, sorting of the CVs and creation of pool will hap-pen. Many Recruitment Softwares help to engage the potential candi-dates by sharing job postings and other info about the organization. Recruitment Softwares thus support the Recruiters in posting jobs on multiple platforms, receiving a wider response, sorting the CVs, creating a pool and even communicating with the selected/non selected candidates, thus developing credibility with the candidates. The research over a peri-od shows that usage of such softwares reduces the hiring time by 40% and also reduces cost of hire by saving on consultant and other costs.The list of benefits for using the Recruitment Softwares is long and is the way to go forward, however, the list of cons too is not short. The risk of losing good candidates is there because of the limited word search and specific selection criteria such as experience etc. The need to achieve a balance too is required to handle the numerous responses for the applications. Ideally the application acceptance should stop if we receive a defined threshold of relevant candidates, but the organizations in the zeal to create a pool of CVs do not define such criteria. The investment is another major aspect wherein the one time cost and subsequent maintenance and upgradation is to be looked upon. The more customization we do, the costlier it will get. The Recruitment principle is aligned with the organization's vision mission and culture. Thus the Recruitment Software has to be tweaked and customized to help the organization have a base of potential candidates who can are better fits to the organization. Such softwares also lead to many fraud applicants who just want to register on the company data base or want to get information about the organization or the recruiter or the process. The common demon of technology being at risk is true to this process too. The technical glitches sometimes leave the candidates frustrated thus leading to losing on a good candidate. The usage of technology in HR has always boiled down to one aspect, `Will this eat up HR Jobs..??' This is an important question to ponder upon. HR has to equip themselves in dealing with the Millennials and the fast moving business which is driven by technology and automation. Us-age of Recruitment Softwares has to be well thought of, aligned with the organization's culture, People re-quirement and the ease of usage for the Potential Candidates. The bal-ance has to be struck between the Cost, Time, Efforts, Outcomes and Quality. This has to be a long term process which should be built upon gradually, evaluated periodically and then required tweaks and changes to be incorporated. This will help HR to focus on the quality and more productive jobs. Many new hires feel let down when as TA professionals they only do the leg work and CV management in the initial phase of their careers. Such softwares would enable them to support the func-tion with deeper analytics about the candidates, share trends and iden-tify better means of hiring. This will build satisfaction right from the base. Good organizations do focus on the employee development and thus providing an enriching job experi-ence to each employee is the prime motive. Having happy and satisfied employee is better than a disgrun-tled employee doing a job which can easily be done away with. It is an accepted truth that HUMAN and RESOURCES cannot be isolated as mere words. The Human touch to-wards the employees is the best in-gredient for making best Resources for any organization's success. Tech-nology therefore is there to stay and the HR professionals who upgrade themselves according to the need of the hour will always be required as an important aspect of the organiza-tions success story. The use of technology in HR function is a must in today's scenario to keep pace with the race of growth Mukul Chopra
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