| | September 20188CIOReviewIN MY OPINIONSalesforce automation - Why should you care?By Geetha Doraiswamy, Director-Digital Business Services at Happiest Minds Technologies he World is evolving from being just digital to digitally automatic. The thought is to make a stride towards work-ing smarter rather than harder. So when it comes to Sales, the ideal approach to adopt automation by implementing Sales Force Automa-tion (SFA). Automation in Sales will enable organizations to deal with the increased competition, isolated lead information and longer sales cycle in less time. Sales Force automation with its Omnichannel capabilities can be effectively guided into the organiza-tion landscape in no time and will help eliminate the repetitive and time-consuming tasks involved in the sales cycle, therefore, liberating the sales professionals for doing some hardcore selling. It additionally provides a one-stop source for the sales professional where they can get all they require concerning the Sales productivity and time for closure.According to Gartner, "Sales au-tomation implementations are a con-siderable investment. Respondents spent an average of $610,889 each on SFA solutions in their most recent fis-cal year, compared with $333,839 on non-SFA sales applications." Which T
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