| |July 20178CIOReview IN MY OPINIONBy Sumit Mitra, Managing Director, Central Business Services, BThe telecom sector continues to be at the epicentre for growth, innovation, and dis-ruption for virtually any industry. It's the basic backbone of our society and key in driving the momentum around trends like video streaming, Internet of Things (IoT), and mobile payments. Communications are everywhere. And whether you're uploading your family pictures onto Facebook or tweeting your opinion about politics, you need connectivity. As the demand for mobile con-nectivity grows, communications providers can take this opportunity to maximise revenue through their core businesses such as network connectivity and the sale of network equipment and devices. Leveraging new prod-ucts and services that are also enabled by these core ca-pabilities, like IPTV and availability of media content via mobile, are also increasingly important plays.In recent years the focus has been to drive profitable revenue growth by increasing customer's share of wal-let. However, being able to keep up with customer de-mand for new offerings delivered at lightening pace and competitive prices is tough. There is clearly both a need and a demand for reducing the cost base to fund investments for future innovation. Reducing Cost Base Has Been A Bit Hit or MissNetwork optimisation, labour cost re-duction through outsourcing, auto-mation and improvement in ef-ficiency are key to reduce the cost base, but are often de-livered in a somewhat Executing Tomorrow's Vision for Telecoms through Business Services ModelSumit MitraT
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