10 Most Promising Gamification Solution Providers - 2018

 10 Most Promising Gamification Solution Providers - 2018

Wikipedia defines Gamification as 'the use of game thinking and game mechanics in a non-game context in order to engage users and solve problems’. While this definition really brings in a sense of perceiving gamification as yet another tool of marketing, Gamification clearly stands to engage several games of different cultures, social norms, and other organizations’ aspects. Eventually perceived as hype and set a trend, organizations are now more inclined to takean educated viewpoint. With the ease of integrating fun measurements, rewards, and achievements into most of the applications, Gamification has added a fun quotient along with a clear objective to channelize HR department, ed-tech, and other niche solutions. Dipped in with AI, ML, and VR/ MR, Gamification platforms are envisaged to emerge from its nascent stage across nations. Asia, especially India, shall be leading the pact with its sheer massive consumption.

Keeping intact the essence of gamification, it is gradually getting adopted for various roles in the office. Once enterprises actually experience the real power and capacity of gamification, convincing all the stakeholders of an organization will surely become easy. The principals of game will be contributing to learning, productivity and refreshing the workforce. Platforms like Ninja Club with its virtual avatars and collaborative interactions are keeping forth the idea to have fun seriously to boost productivity and efficiency. Well acquainted with this scenario, CIOReview India presents a list of “10 Most Promising Gamification Solution Providers 2018”. Being closely scrutinized by a distinguished panel of judges including CEOs, CIOs, CXO, analysts and CIOReview editorial board, we believe these solution vendors can help your organizationstart a new leaf in the workforce with fun and efficiency, thereby, enabling businesses, startups, and entrepreneurs to experiment with customized Gamification solutions.

We present to you CIOTechOutlook 10 Most Promising Gamification Solution Providers - 2018.

Top Gamification Solution Providers -

Company Name Company Description
Engagelyee Technologies Delivers tailor-made SaaS offering to drive social engagement, employee advocacy, and social media marketing.
Epiphany Learning Specialties lie in talent management, communication & branding, elearning, business games & simulation development, and Sales training.
Gamified Labs A Gamification focused tech company developing engaging technology-driven products and solutions.
G-Cube Designs custom e-courses, mobile learning, content localization, game-based learning, simulations, and consulting for curriculum design.
Juego Studio A provider of design & development solutions for games, apps, virtual reality, augmented reality, AI, machine learning, simulation, and IoT
MindTickle Core expertise revolves around sales readiness, sales enablement, sales training, sales on-boarding, gamified learning, and collaborative learning.
MobCast Innovations Offers enterprise mobile app for employee engagement, corporate communication, training & development, and Sales performance.
Nilee Games and Future Technologies Facilitates products & services in gaming, Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality, simulation, motion sensing, embedded systems, and robotics.
Opportune Technologies Avails gamified employee engagement attendance system with biometric on cloud, mobile attendance and resource planning & scheduling.
XLPro Training Solution Enables engaging E-Learning courses and games for corporate learning across diverse sectors.